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- General thesis
1.1 “Free Democrats” party (further referred to as Party) is a public union based on personal membership. The purpose of the union is the participation in the political life of the public and the state.
1.2. The Party is planning it’s activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the laws of RA and other law acts, as well as this statute and in the line of it’s moral plans.
1.3. The name of the Party is:
- in Armenian – «Ազատ դեմոկրատներ» կուսակցություն (abbreviated as ԱԴԿ)
- in Russian – Партия «Свободные Демократы» (abbreviated as СДП)
- in English – “Free Democtrats” Party (abbreviated as FDP).
1.4. As sanctioned by the law the Party is considered a legal person, has the rights and privileges of a legal person as defined by the law and has the corresponding responsibilities from the moment of official registration.
1.5. The Party has a round seal in its name in Armenian, Russian and English languages, a stamp, letterhead and other means of identification.
1.6. The Party can have an emblem and other symbols.
1.7. The address of the permanent functioning leading board of the Party is at 18 Mxitar Heraci St., apt. 27, Yerevan, Armenia.
The Goals and Problems of the Party
2.1. The goal of the activities of the Party is the participation in the public and state political life.
2.2. The Party has a political program to reach its goal based on which it is developing and realizing it’s working plans.
2.3. On the road of reaching its goal the Party considers the solution of the following issues as imminent:
- Support in the establishment of liberal and democratic values.
- Support in the founding of a lawful state.
- Through the means of democratic elections establishing presence in the government of the RA as well as in regional self-governing units. As a result, participate in the creation of state government, development and realization of state government.
- Support of the development of the system in social equality.
- Support of the stability of the political life in the country.
- Support of the true division of the judicial, executive and legislative branches of the government and of the development of a true equilibrium among these branches.
- The Main Principles and Methods of the Activities of the Party
3.1. During it’s activities the Party follows the following principles:
- legitimacy and justice,
- voluntary bases of membership and equality of the member’s rights,
- publicity of the activities and self-governance,
- constructive collaborations with other parties and public unions.
3.2. The Party considers the application of the following methods for realizing it’s goals:
- Creation of structural and geographical subdivisions of the Party, creation of representatives.
- Establishment of public mass media sources and publishing houses in accordance with the constitution of the RA.
- Distribution of the Party’s ideology and viewpoint by using the mass media and other means that are not banished by the law in accordance with the constitution of the RA.
- Organization and/or participation in meetings and other social-political events, without the use of any weapons, in peaceful environment,
- participation in unions (including electoral unions) or signing of pacts with other parties without aiming at creating a legal person.
- establishment and follow-up of international collaborations with parties and unions from other countries, membership in international unions and associations.
3.3. The Party operates in the whole region of the Republic of Armenia.
- Membership at the Party, The rights and responsibilities of the members of the party
4.1. Any citizen of Armenia who is eighteen years of age or older can become a member of the Party, as well as other persons who are given the rights to vote in the Republic of Armenia (without having the right to be elected in the leadership of the Party and the auditing roles in the Party), who accepts the statute and the program of the Party, wants to participate in the Party’s activities and is not a member of any other party.
4.2. The following persons may not become members of the Party:
- citizens of other countries,
- persons with no citizenship, except for the cases exempt by the law.
- persons, who cannot be members of a party in accordance by the low “about Parties” of the Republic of Armenia.
4.3. The membership in the Party is on voluntary bases, on personal consideration, based on a personal application:
- Based on the decision of the Board at the regional office of the Party.
- Based on the decision of the Board of the Party.
4.4. The member of the Party becomes a member of one of the regional organizations of the Party and is registered in this organization.
4.5. The member of the Party pays the membership fee, receives the membership card and obtains the registration paper.
4.6. The persons intending to join the Party or leave the Party submit a written application in the name of the corresponding regional organization board or the name of the president of the Party in accordance with the stated rule.
4.7. If the membership of the person is considered impossible based on the laws and Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, then the membership is denied based on the application of the member of the Party and/or the decision of the board of the Party. The removal of the denial is done in the same manner.
4.8. The member of the party has the right to:
- Elect and be elected as a member of the governing body of the Party (including in the post of the ambassador, president, leader or secretary of the said body), member of the governing body of regional and/or structural subdivisions (including in the post of the president, leader or secretary of the said body) or member of the supervisory board, except for the cases that are banned by this statute and by the law.
- Be included in the list of general electoral list of candidates for the national assembly of the RA, be considered as a candidate supported by the Party in the majority vote elections, as well as to be elected in the leading roles in regional self-government that are chosen by election, or to be considered for the political or social posts that are assigned – except for the cases that are banned based on this statute and based on the law.
- receive complete information about the activity of the Party, present applications and suggestions for its improvement to the governing body of the Party.
- participate in the meetings, where his or her own issue or suggestion is being discussed, voice his or her opinion about the issues discussed,
- cease and restore his/her membership at the Party,
- leave the Party according to his/her own application,
- make use of the rights attributed to the member by this Statute and by the law.
4.9. Member of the Party is responsible for:
- a) function in the scopes of the Statute of the Party,
- b) implement the resolutions of the Party’s convention and recommendations of the Party’s higher bodies,
- c) pay membership fees,
- d) support the candidates proposed by the Party in elections of all levels,
- e) at no time or circumstances compromise the Party by his behavior and activity, at no time or circumstances organize campaigns or other activity opposing the program and intentions of the party,
- f) keep the limitations given to the members of the Party by law and fulfil other duties according to the current Statute and the legislation.
4.10. For the member of the Party membership ceases in the following cases:
- a) based on his/her application of leaving the Party,
- b) when he/she is expelled from the Party,
- c) according to point 13.7 of this Statute,
- d) in case of his/her death,
- e) in case of dissolution of the Party.
4.11. For excellent implementation of his/her duties as a member of the Party and excellent performance in other special tasks for the Party some means of encouragement may be used to reward the member (announcement of appreciation, canceling of a penalty, financial award, souvenir award).
4.12. In the case of not fulfilling the requirements of the Statute of the Party or disregarding the decisions of higher bodies of the Party, showing indecent behavior for a Party member, staining the honor and reputation of the Party, participating in criminally prosecutable action, not fulfilling the tasks of the Party without a respectable reason, or fulfilling the tasks poorly, and in other cases defined by the Board of the Party, the member can be subject to the following penalties:
- a) foreboding,
- b) notification,
- c) strict notification,
- d) restraint of membership at the board of the Party, leading bodies at the territorial subdivisions,
- e) be expelled from the Party.
4.13. The rules on the means of encouragement and the rules on the penalties for a member of the Party are established by the Board of the Party.
- Leading bodies of the Party, territorial and structural subdivisions are formed by the Convention of the Party and/or the permanent leading body of the Party. The leading bodes of the Party implement warrants given to them according this Statute and by the law.
- Territorial and structural subdivisions of the Party are formed and their activity is organized only based on territorial characteristics.
- The leading bodies of the Party and it’s territorial and structural subdivisions can be located only in the territory of the Republic of Armenia. In other countries the Party can only have a representative unit.
- The leading bodies of the Party are:
- Convention of the Party,
- Board of representatives of the Party,
- Board of the Party.
5.5. Territorial and structural subdivisions of the Party are:
- a) territorial organizations of the Party,
- b) regional boards of the Party,
- c) monitoring bodies of the Party (monitoring groups, monitoring committee, etc.)
- d) functional subdivision of the Party (accounting, department of public relations, legal service, center on analytics, etc.)
- e) groups coordinating the activity of the Party in different aspects of public life (Women’s council of the Party, Youth council, etc.)
5.6. Structural subdivisions of the Party can be formed (dissolved) by the permanent leading body of the Party and implement warrants given to them by this Statute and the permanent leading body.
5.7. The Convention of the Party is competent if the 2/3 of the total number of delegates of convention is present (registered). The meetings of other leading bodies, territorial and structural subdivisions are competent if more than half of their members participate in the said meetings.
5.8. Collegial resolutions of leading bodies of the Party, territorial and structural subdivisions are accepted through open or close voting by majority of the votes of the participants, if there is nothing else established by the convention of the Party or this Statute. Private voting is held by offer of at least 1/3 of participants. If the voices are equally distributed for making decisions, voice of leading bodies of the Party, territorial and structural subdivisions (presidents of meetings) is decisive.
- The Convention of the Party is the highest leading body of the Party, which has the right to make final decisions about any issue concerning the activity of the Party and the decisions of which are unequivocal for all the bodies, territorial and structural subdivisions and members of the Party.
- The regular assemblies of the Party are organized at least once in two years by the board of the Party. The governing bodies of the Party and the members are informed about the convocation and schedule of the Convention no later than 15 days before the planned date.
- The board of the Party may organize extra conventions by the board’s own initiative or the initiative of the representatives of the board, or according to the request of at least 1/3 of the members of the boards of territorial organizations. The party members are informed about the convocation and schedule no later than 10 days before the planned date.
- The delegates of the extra conventions are the delegates of the previous regular conventions.
- The number of delegates of convention of the party, rules of electing the delegates, quotas given to the territorial organization, as well as the list of Party members participating in the convention is officially established by the board of the Party.
- Convention of the Party:
- Discusses and confirms the program of the Party and the Statute, as well as the projects on changes and additions in them,
- Hears and confirms the reports of the board of the Party about the Party’s activities in the period between the assemblies,
- Elects members of the board through close and anonymous voting.
- Elects the monitoring committee of the Party,
- Hears and confirms the reports of the monitoring committee of the Party,
- Defines strategic, ideological-political directions of the Party’s activities, the working directions of solving the emerging problems,
- Makes decisions on reformation or dissolution of the Party,
- Discusses and makes final decisions about any issues concerning the activity of the Party.
6.7. Resolutions of the Convention, besides the cases established by the law or current By-Laws, are accepted through open or close voting, by majority of the votes of present (registrated) participants.
6.8. Confirmation of the program of the Party and Party’s Statute, changes and additions in them, reformation of the Party, dissolution, and other cases established by the law and the current Statute decisions are made through majority of votes of the delegates at the Convention.
6.9. The Convention of the Party for monitoring of financial activity of the Party elects monitoring committee, the number of the members at the said monitoring committee is established by the Convention. A member of any of the leading bodies, the head of territorial subdivisions or the secretary cannot be a member of the monitoring committee.
6.10. The members of monitoring committee elect the president of the committee from their staff. The monitoring committee of the Party functions in the scope of the warranties given to the committee by the Convention of the Party. The monitoring committee reports to the Convention only.
6.11. The president of monitoring committee leads the operations of the committee.
6.12. Meetings of the monitoring committee are organized once in 6 months by the president of the committee. Members of the committee are informed about the convocation and schedule of the committee meeting no later than 10 days before the planned date.
6.13. The president of the committee organizes extra meetings by his/her own initiative or by the requirement of at least 1/3 of the members of the monitoring committee and any member from the board of representatives. Members of the committee are informed about the convocation and schedule of the committee’s extra meetings no later than 24 hours before the scheduled date.
6.14. The monitoring committee can demand any information about the activity of the Party.
- The board of representatives of the Party discusses and makes decisions about any issue concerning the Party, besides the issues that are exclusively dealt with by the Party’s Convention and the Board according to the law or the Party’s Statute.
- The board of representatives of the Party consists of the president of the board of the Party, deputy (deputies), executive secretary (head of staff) and presidents of boards of territorial organizations.
- The board of representatives:
- Establishes order of registration of members,
- Defines the fees for attendants and the membership fees. Defines the rules according to which the payments must be made and distributed among Party’s bodies,
- Discusses and confirms the annual report of executive secretary about the use of inventory of the Party,
- According to the recommendation of the board of the Party the activity of a board of territorial organization can cease. Election of the new board for the said territorial organization is completed within one month.
- According to the recommendation of the board of the Party the activity of a board of territorial organization can cease. A general convention of the said organizations is invited by the board within a three month period.
- Implements warrants established by this Statute.
- The meetings of the board of representatives are held by the president of board of the Party, and in case of his/her absence according to his/her assignment, the meetings are held by the deputy (deputies) or executive secretary of the board.
- The meetings of the board of representatives are held at least once in two months by the president of the board of the Party. The board members are informed about the convocation and the schedule of the meeting no later than three days before the scheduled date.
- Extra meetings of the board of representatives are held by the president of the board of the Party on his/her own initiative or according to the request of 1/3 of members of the Party’s board or the board of representatives. The extra meetings are held according to the schedule created by the initiator for a three day period.
- In case of contradictory decisions of any two of the Party’s bodies about the same issue that is not regulated by this Statute the decision of the board of representatives is definitive.
- The board of the Party is the permanent leading body of the Party that is formed (or dissolved) by the Convention of the Party and coordinates activity of territorial subdivisions, representative units in foreign countries, and also structural subdivisions of the Party.
- The number of the members of the board of the Party is defined by the Convention of the Party. The members of Party’s board are elected by the Convention for 2 year service by the majority of votes of all delegates.
- The authority of a Board member is ceased in the following cases:
- When the defined period is finished,
- By the decision of the Convention,
- By the decision of Party’s Board in cases established by the point 4.11 of this Statute,
- In case of the board member leaving the Party or being expelled from the Party,
- According to application of the Board member,
- In case if the Board member pleads incapable or partially capable according the jurisdiction,
- In case of death of the Board member,
- In other cases governed by the law or this Statute.
8.4. The Party’s Board implements its activities by inviting Board Meetings, making decisions, by fulfilling the decisions made at the meetings and by the Convention.
8.5. The Board Meetings are held at least once in two weeks by the Board President. The Board members are informed about the meeting and schedule no later than three days before the planned date.
8.6. Extra meetings of the Board are invited by the Board President according to his/her own initiative, or by the request of at least 1/3 of the Board members, or 1/5 of members of representative’s Board, or by the Board of a territorial subdivision. The extra meetings of the Board are invited by the schedule proposed by the initiating side in a three day period.
8.7. Party board chooses the Board President from its staff for a period of two years, the Party’s President is responsible for the general activity of the Party, implementing ideological, political statements of the Party. If there are more than one candidates proposed for the Party President, then the candidate with majority of votes is elected.
8.8. President of the Party’s Board:
- a) organizes the operations of the Board of Representative and the Party’s board, initiates and holds meetings of Representatives and Party Board, signs their resolutions and inscriptions,
- b) represents the Board in relationships with state and other organizations,
- c) Appoints (fires) the leaders of regional boards for 2 years and presents the decision for confirmation by the Party’s Board,
- d) Appoints (fires) the leaders of territorial subdivisions for 2 years and presents the decision for confirmation by the Party’s Board,
- e) proposes candidates for deputy of Party Board president,
- f) implements other warrants assigned to him/her by this Statute.
8.9. The party Board chooses the deputy of the Board president for 2 years from its staff.
8.10. The deputy of Board president:
- a) fulfils the Board presidents assignments and replaces him/her in case of his/her absence,
- b) by the commitment of Board President or in case of his/her absence holds meetings of Party and representative’s board,
- c) fulfils other warrants assigned to him/her by this Statute and the Board.
8.11. The Party Board chooses executive secretary of the Board from its staff for 2 years (head of staff).
8.12. Executive secretary of the Board:
- a) directs Board staff,
- b) develops the Board staff structure and the staffing listings and presents these to the Board for confirmation,
- c) holds registration of Party members and persons supporting the party,
- d) manages Party’s inventory based on resolutions by the Board of representatives, including financial means, signs civic-legal agreements on behalf of the Party.
- e) provides information necessary for Party bodies.
- f) confirms the financial and accounting reports and presents these to the state body in timely manner and according to the established procedures by the laws,
- g) presents financial and inventory use reports to the mass media in timely manner as established by the law,
- h) implements other warrants assigned to him/her by this Statute.
8.13. In case of necessity and according to the Party Board resolutions other elected or appointed positions can be created (honored member of the Party Board, responsible for Boards of various aspects or issues), that fulfil warrants received by the Board,
8.14. Party Board reports to Party’s Convention.
8.15. Party Board:
- a) implements warrants on behalf of the Party as juridical person,
- b) coordinates and supervises the activity of territorial subdivisions of the Party,
- c) confirms annual reports and working programs of the territorial organizations of the Party,
- d) implements events and works established by his/her working program,
- e) prepares reports of his/her activity during the period between assemblies and presents the said reports for confirmation by Party’s Convention,
- f) invites regular or extra conventions, organizes the preparatory process of the assemblies,
- g) controls the implementation of resolutions of Convention and his/her own resolutions,
- h) developes ideological statements, programs and documents based on the Statute of the Party, strategic principles, makes announcements and suggestions on behalf of the Party,
- i) coordinates activity of the Party members elected in state government and local government bodies,
- j) forms committees, confirms candidatures of presidents of the committees by representation of Party’s board president.
- ja) coordinates the activity of the media and publication services (if any) of the Party,
- jb) applies the rules on penalizing and encouragement of the members,
- jc) confirms models of annual reports and work programs of leading bodies, territorial and structural subdivisions of the Party,
- jd) confirms the list of candidates proposed by the Party for National Convention proportional election order, majorital election order, state government and local government, other elective, and political, civic elective (appointing) posts,
- je) makes decisions about nomination of RA President or support of a candidate,
- jf) makes decisions about creating unions or participating in them with other parties without formation of juridical persons,
- jg) confirms pre-election programs, slogans and other agitation documents and materials,
- jh) discusses and confirmes annual report of use of Party’s inventory of executive secretary before representing it to the board of representatives,
- ji) confirms the rules of management of Party’s inventory and the budget of financial expenses,
- jj) implements other warrants assigned to him/her by this Statute and the Party’s Convention and the representative board of the Party.
- The Regional board of the Party is a separated territorial subdivision of the Party, which fulfils representative and other warrants according to this Statute and confirmed by the Board.
- The Regional board consists of the director of regional board, the presidents of boards of territorial organizations of the region and a representative from each board of territorial organizations.
- Regional board coordinates the operation of territorial organizations functioning in the said region.
- The president of Party’s Board appoints (fires) the head of the regional board for a 2 year period.
- Head of regional board:
- manages the activities of the regional board,
- invites and holds assemblies of the regional board, signs their statements,
- organizes the operation of the regional board,
- once in two months gives information to the executive secretary of the Party about the registered members of territorial the organization and the completed activities,
- represents the Party in the corresponding region, operated on behalf of regional board,
- fulfils other functions according to this Statute and assigned to him/her by higher bodies of the Party.
- The regional board elects a monitoring member for a 2 year period, who can require any information concerning the activity of the regional board.
- The territorial organization of the Party is a separated subdivision of the Party, which fulfils the warrants laid on it by the Party’s Statute, representative’s board and Party’s Board in the territory of regions attached to it defined by the Board.
- The territorial subdivision of the Party is formed by the permanent leading body of the Party.
- The territorial organization implements its activity by inciting the Board meetings, by making decisions, by fulfilling the mentioned decisions and those made by higher bodies of the Party.
- The highest body of territorial organization is the General Convention of the organization.
- General Convention of territorial organization:
- a) chooses board members of territorial organization for a 2 year period by private voting,
- b) chooses delegates of the Party’s Convention,
- c) confirms annual reports of the president of the board of the territorial organization about the activities of the territorial organization and the use of the means,
- d) chooses a member to monitor the territorial organization for a 2 year period, who can demand any information concerning the activity of the territorial organization.
- Regular general convention of territorial organization is invited once in two years by the board of territorial organization. The members registered in the corresponding territory are informed about the convocation and the schedule of the general convention no later than 20 days before the scheduled date.
- The board of territorial organization invites out of order general conventions of the territorial organization by the initiative of representative’s board or the demand of 1/3 of board of the territorial organization. The members registered in current territory are informed about the convocation and schedule of the out of order general convention no later than 10 days before the scheduled date.
- Between the general assemblies of territorial organization the Board of organization implements the management of territorial organizations.
- The minimal number of board members of territorial organization, also the territory of organization’s activity is defined by the permanent leading body of the Party.
- The president of Party Board assigns (fires) the president of the board of the territorial organization from the elected members of board and presents to the Board for confirmation.
- Territorial organization elects board’s secretary from its staff for 2 year period.
- The board of territorial organization:
- Registers citizens as members of the Party according to their application.
- Makes announcements, discusses and makes decisions about any issues concerning the activity of the territorial organization, besides the issues that are exceptionally discussed by the general convention of territorial organization as stated by this Statute.
- Represents suggestions about the elective list of National Convention,
- implements other warrants assigned by this Statute and Party Board and representative’s board.
- Assemblies of the board of territorial organization are invited at least once in two weeks by the president of the board. The board members are informed about the convocation and the schedule of the convention no later than 3 days before the scheduled date.
10.14. Extra conventions of the board of territorial organization are invited by the president of the board by his/her own initiative or by the demand of at least 1/3 of board members.
10.15. Extra conventions of board of territorial organization are invited according to the schedule proposed by the initiator for a period of a day.
10.16. The president of the board of territorial organization of the Party:
- a) manages activity of territorial organization,
- b) invites and holds board assemblies of territorial organization, signs the statements,
- c) represents territorial organization of the Party,
- d) organizes Party meetings in the regions attached to the territorial organization,
- e) holds the registration of members and adherents living in the territory attached to the territorial organization,
- f) organizes the levy of membership fees and transfers its predetermined portion to the Party’s account number according to the order established by representative’s board of the Party,
- g) gives written information to the president of regional board of the Party about the registered members of territorial organization and implemented activities.
- The changes and additions are made in the Statute of the Party by the resolution of the Convention of the Party.
- The decision of making changes and additions in the Statute is made by the majority of votes of the delegates of Party’s Convention.
- The property of the Party is formed from the membership payments, donations, the activity implemented by the defined rules and from other sources not prohibited by the law.
- The owner of inventory that was gained and/or created from the own means is the Party.
12.3. A member of the party has no rights for inventory belonging to the Party or any part of it and is not responsible for the liabilities of the Party. The Party is not responsible for the liabilities of its members.
12.4. The leading bodies, territorial and structural subdivisions of the Party own and use the inventory given to them according to the limitations and rules established by the Board of the Party.
12.5. The financial means of the Party form from:
- a) membership payments,
- b) donations established by the law,
- c) budget finances established by the law,
- d) civic-legal dealings and other sources not prohibited by the law.
12.6. By the right of ownership necessary real estate and mobile inventory (including financial means, stock and other rights) and also intellectual property can belong to the Party for implementation of programs or issues.
12.7. Executive secretary of the Party Board manages the inventory of the Party, including financial means. In case of being authorized by him/her the Board of the Party or Boards of territorial organizations may also manage the inventory of the Party according to the budget and the rules confirmed by the Board.
The means of the Party are used only for implementation of its activities, goals according to the resolutions of representative’s board.
13.1. The Party’s reorganization and/or dissolution can be made by the resolution of Party Convention according to legislation of RA and this Statute. The Party can be reorganized (join, separate) only with another party (parties).
13.2. The initiative of reorganization and/or dissolution can be represented by at least 1/3 of delegates of Party’s Board or Party Convention.
13.3. The decision of reorganization and/or dissolution can be made by the majority of votes of the delegates of the Party Convention.
13.4. In case of making decision about reorganization of the Party by the Party Convention a temporary committee is created, which is responsible for the reorganization process and other issues established by the convention.
13.5. In case of making the decision of dissolution of the Party a dissolution committee is created, that manages Party’s inventory and financial means according to RA legislation, and is also responsible for the process of dissolution.
13.6. In case of dissolution Party’s inventory is being used for the goals and problems of the Party, and if it is impossible, it is transferred to the State Budget.
13.7. If the convention rejects the initiative of Party’s dissolution, from the moment of making such decision the membership of the Party members presenting the initiative of dissolution is ceased and new elections are held if necessary.
13.8. The Party is can be dissolved in some cases, according to the rules defined by the law.