“It was predictable that there could be something like that at the meeting , as it was obvious that both Kazakhstan’s president and Azerbaijan side made efforts and day and night were talking aboutit. The main problem here is not Armenia’s membership to EurAsEC, but the problem that the role of the Republic of Armenia is being humiliated.
In other words, Nazarbayev created a situation which separated Karabakh from Armenia and thus future emerging union will not take responsibility for the fate of Nagorno-Karabakh. It is fact thatentering the Customs Union or the Eurasian Union doesn’t mean that the security problems would be resolved ” so responded the Head of “Free Democrats” party, crossbencher Khachatur Kokobelyan about the condition that Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev put forward, according to which Armenia should join to Eurasian Union as part of the UN-recognized borders ,that is without Nagorno-Karabakh.
Nazarbayev announced about it at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Astana on May 29 .
According to Kokobelyan “The RA president’s position must have been very strong and appropriate to the undertaken steps, by which the third country that had nothing to do with the forming union at least de facto, both in documentary and pre-negotiated terms, had a direct effect through the Nazarbayev’s speech. However, Nazarbayev clearly represented the benefit of Azerbaijan and openly declared that they have no right to annoy Azerbaijan. I consider it a slap not only to Armenia, but also to Russia and Belarus. Unfortunately, but my impression was that Azerbaijan and Russia are implementing some processes behind Nagorno–Karabakh or in extreme case they have agreement with Russia to the detriment of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia.
Mr. Kokobelyan reminded that, before September 3,a great noise was released about that Russia had sold weapons to Azerbaijan. Before Astana the same noise was released and I consider it to be psychological terror against the Republic of Armenia. There is no coincidence here. The structured process is taking place against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Commenting on sale of Russian weapons to Azerbaijan , Russian ambassador said it is business. In other words, Russia has broken Armenian-Russian Friendship Treaty 3-point which clearly states that the sides are required to contribute for peace and not vice versa. In fact, breaking the 3rd point of the agreement, our strategic partner is taking actions against us by supplying arms to our rival.And it is obvious that all these equipage is against Armenia. After that not having a rough approximation and tolerate such an attitude towards Armenia, in my opinion unacceptable for all of us. ”
When at the meeting Nursultan Nazarbayev presented Aliyev’s letter,Serzh Sargsyan surprised. Referring to the question about that it was disrespectful to the RA president to know about the letter at the meeting ,Khachatur Kokobelyan answered.”First, as a RA citizen ,I think that RA authorities shouldhave got all the information beforehand.And second, after such kind of suprise there must havetough approach in ties with them,but there was no response, which is very offensive for Armenia. ”